At Risk Providers

Know what’s going on with your Patients (even when they’re with other providers). Accessing your Patient’s Hive’s will give you optional access to:
- Data from every Portal your Patient chooses to integrate
- A complete list of all their additional Providers and their contact info
- Open Lines of communication with your Patient’s and their families at all times

Empower your Patients’ Families to take the mystery out of what goes on in the Home.
HealthHive gives adjustable permissioned access to every family and friend who cares about the Patient so they can support the Patient with:
- Location and Provider based Resources for everything from food to transport
- Care Plans for discharges & health goals that are easily completed from any device
- Access to all the digital tools you want to provide them from one place.
HealthHive helps you understand your complete Patient, so you can truly give comprehensive care.
- Vital Fluctuation Alerts keep you up to date on developments as they happen.
- Visibilty into SDOH Factors and Comorbidities let you know all the other factors that are really effecting your Patients.